Empowering Programs
1) Core Writing Program: Professional journalists and editors work with teens to produce true stories about the most important issues in their lives. In those stories, the writers show how they used social and emotional competencies to manage challenges and achieve their goals.
2) Publishing Program: The teens' stories are published in New Expression print and online Magazine. Select stories are later republished in themed anthologies.
3) Arts Integration Program: Elements of the teens’ stories are explored through artistic disciplines including: visual arts, music, dance, theater, architecture, photography, fashion and filmmaking, in small class sizes and one on one mentorship programs. Teens learn to engage their senses and wire their brains for successful learning while enhancing their emotional well-being, motor and social skills.
4) Arts Festival Program: Teens produce an Annual Youth Communication Arts Festival to share their achievements with family, friends and community. Through the experience of dignified co-creation, teens inspire other teens to explore personal issues with creative tools, focusing on empowered self expression. The festival fosters inclusive communities which affirm identity, cross-cultural understanding, and peace while awakening a passion and appreciation for academics, the arts and life long learning.